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Hyalufil Suppositories

Rectal suppositories Hyalufil is a medical device intended for local use in the rectum Hyalufil is intended for rectal application, in order to moisturize and protect the mucosa, in conditions requiring stimulation of natural regeneration and healing of the rectal mucosa and anal canal. Such situations occur especially :in the following cases after surgery or surgery, also during radiotherapy in inflammation, accompanied by pruritus, edema, redness in hemorrhoids in cracks and anal fissures resulting from constipation



Rectal suppositories Hyalufil is a medical device intended for local use in the rectum

Hyalufil is intended for rectal application, in order to moisturize and protect the mucosa, in conditions requiring stimulation of natural regeneration and healing of the rectal mucosa and anal canal. Such situations occur especially
:in the following cases after surgery or surgery, also during radiotherapy in inflammation, accompanied by pruritus, edema, redness in hemorrhoids in cracks and anal fissures resulting from constipation

Weight 100 kg


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