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Nexcare All Purpose Mask, 5 Each By 3M

• Filters out over 95% of wearer's exhaled airborne bacteria. • Helps reduce exposure to common household dust, ragweed pollen and yard dusts. • Ideal for yard and housework. • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend masks to help reduce the spread of germs and bacteria • Effectively warms and moistens inhaled air, making breathing easier. • Determined by the Modified Green and Vesley Method. • Helps reduce exposure to common household dust, ragweek pollen and yard dusts



• Filters out over 95% of wearer’s exhaled airborne bacteria.
• Helps reduce exposure to common household dust, ragweed pollen and yard dusts.
• Ideal for yard and housework.
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend masks to help reduce the spread of germs and bacteria
• Effectively warms and moistens inhaled air, making breathing easier.
• Determined by the Modified Green and Vesley Method.
• Helps reduce exposure to common household dust, ragweek pollen and yard dusts

Weight 100 kg


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